El propósito de cualquier estrategia de marketing es hacer que tu marca o tu negocio destaquen por sobre la competencia. Pero para saber cuáles son realmente los atributos que te van a hacer destacar, tienes que saber contra quiénes compites y cuáles son los atributos que los destacan a cada uno de ellos. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Hector Hernandez (@digital_kahuna) on Oct 26, 2019 at 5:48am PDT Nada se vende solo. No importa que tan espectacularmente bueno o innovador sea tu producto, con toda seguridad ya hay otro producto satisfaciendo la misma necesidad de nosotros venimos a satisfacer. Tal vez nosotros pensemos que…
Elementos Básicos de un Ecommerce
Cuáles son los elementos básicos mínimos que debe tener tu Ecommerce para tener mejores probabilidades de éxito. El ejercicio es simple: Ponte en los zapatos de alguien que visita un website por primera vez. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Hector Hernandez (@digital_kahuna) on Oct 22, 2019 at 5:44pm PDT Imagínate que hagas una campaña de marketing y que tengas la suerte que un visitante a tu website se entusiasme con uno de tus productos, pero nunca ha escuchado ni de ti ni de tu compañía ni de tu marca. Este personaje antes de atreverse a darte los datos de su tarjeta de crédito va…
Cálculo de la Oportunidad de Mercado
En términos simples… La oportunidad de mercado es el valor potencial de las ventas de tu producto o servicio, dentro de una geografía, un segmento de mercado y un período de tiempo específicos. 5 herramientas gratis para calcular la oportunidad Te voy a dar 5 pasos prácticos, con herramientas “gratis” para que puedas estimar el tamaño de esa oportunidad… y ojalá sea antes de que hayas hundido todo tu capital en comprar inventario o en los equipos para prestar un servicio. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Hector Hernandez (@digital_kahuna) on Oct 22, 2019 at 3:05am PDT Paso 1: Recomendación de Keywords en Google.com…
Digital Transformation Versus Technology Update
A digital transformation can be such an enormously large elephant that you have to know where to start to eat it. All the businesses in the world – from multinational corporations to corner stores – are feeling the pressure of having to sophisticate or modernize operations and products in order to maintain competitiveness. But what most companies are not getting, is that this sophistication begins with their own business and management paradigms and not with the technology renewal. The first step for a Digital Transformation Process There are many flavors and depths of Digital Transformations, but what ultimately pushes that transformational process of a company is a strategy, not a…
How I became an Effective Salesperson
This is the least likely topic I ever though I would write about… but here it goes. For more than 15 years I escaped in terror every time I saw a job position that had any “sales” responsibility. I never thought that I had the conditions, skills or charisma that are needed to influence someone else’s purchase decision. Now I think that my fear was product of my ignorance about what it really means to sell. When I discovered that advising and selling could be the same thing, everything changed. For the last 10 years I’ve turned to be a pretty effective “advisor” in the field of Digital Marketing and…
Digital Transformation Versus Digital Disruption
Digital Transformation Versus Digital Disruption. These terms are often used interchangeably to label initiatives that would only qualify as a simple “actualizations” of systems or technology.. In other words, projects seeking -for instance – to streamline the flow of information, but without dramatically impacting the value that is delivered and perceived by the consumers. Although digital transformation and digital disruption can be sequential and complementary processes, they are still two different types of journeys that require different levels of corporate maturity and different types of leaders. First let’s take the term “actualization” out of the way… When a company acquires or renews its technology to recover competitiveness or match its…
Branded Searches, The Key For Profits
Brand awareness boosts Branded Searches and Direct Traffic. So, definitely, building a brand will drive profits and sustainability. The only way to build a profitable and sustainable online business is by: (1) consistently lowering the cost of traffic, (2) building a premium on the price based on brand equity or ideally (3) the combination of both. Learn how I can help you develop your Digital Marketing Plan. What is Direct Traffic The only source of free traffic – and with little risk of being intercepted by your competitors. This is when people type your URL in the navigation bar of their browser or have your page bookmarked in their favorites. The…
Artificial Intelligence on eCommerce
Artificial Intelligence on eCommerce is a matter of the present, not the future; and it is necessary that the people who work in marketing understand how and when to approach the issue in their companies. But since I am digital strategist and not a technology person, my perspective is going to be practical and empirical. Any expert in technology or data science who wants to contribute is more than welcome. Artificial Intelligence versus Machine Learning versus Deep Learning First I want to differentiate three terms that I see that many use them interchangeably, but even though they are closely related, are not the same thing. The concepts are: Artificial Intelligence:…
Digital Ecosystems and The Customer Journey
The Costumer Journey is that sequence of steps a In-market shopper takes to gather enough information to make a purchase decision. Although the length and complexity of the process vary from one category to another, the stages that the consumer goes through are standard: (1) awareness, (2) interest, (3) consideration, (4) purchase, (5) post- purchase and (6) re-purchase. The Marketing Challenge The challenge for those of us in marketing is that this trip is neither linear nor always forward. So, this journey will always have interruptions, changes in priorities and in the selection criteria. Although the data analysis can help predict some patterns, these interruptions and changes, added to the hyper-fragmentation…